Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris  is a common chronic skin disease, involving blockage and/or inflammation of hair follicles and their accompanying sebaceous gland. It is characterized by non-inflammatory, open or closed comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules.

It usually affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles such as face, upper chest, back. Local symptoms may include pain, tenderness, or erythema.

Acne develops as a result of an interaction of the following factors:

  1. follicular epidermal hyperproliferation with subsequent plugging of the follicle.
  2. excess sebum production.
  3. the presence and activity of the commensal bacteria P. acnes.
  4. inflammation.

Clinical features

Superficial lesions

Deeper lesions

  • Nodules - large painful red lumps
  • Pseudocysts - cyst-like fluctuant swellings

Secondary lesions

  • Excoriations - picked or scratched spots
  • Erythematous macules - red marks from recently healed spots, best seen in  fair skin
  • Pigmented macules - dark marks from old spots, mostly affecting those with dark skin
  • Scars of various types

Who gets acne vulgaris?

Almost all of us have acne at some time or another. It mainly affects adolescents. It can start as young as 8 years old but it may persist, begin or become more severe in adulthood.

Classification based on degree of severity

Grade I.

Acne consists of blackheads and whiteheads.

Grade II.

Acne includes pustules and papules.

Grade III.

Acne is associated with nodules.

Grade IV.

Acne will include the formation of cysts.


If you are an acne sufferer, you will have felt overwhelmed by the outbreaks at some point in your life and maybe you have tried various different approaches in order to treat it. A variety of medications are available for the treatment of acne. The treatment options can be prescription drugs, Over-the-counter and also home remedies.

Acne vulgaris treatment tips

  • The target of treatment should be to reduce the clogging of pores, to reduce the risk of bacteria build-up, and to reduce the inflammation associated with the previous conditions.
  • Careful and habitual skin care is essential in order to reduce the risk of acne occurring, or developing further. Because severe, prolonged acne can cause severe psychological problems and self-esteem issues.
  • It is so important that you seek professional help from a dermatologist in the earliest stage of acne. Treatment is then prescribed based on the severity of the acne.
› Acne Vulgaris


cyst, papules, nodules, scars, treatment, prescription drugs, Over-the-counter, home remedies

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