
Whiteheads are a type of acne similar to the blackhead that tends to form during the teen years but can grow at any time. Both are also called comedones, though whitehead may be called closed comedones.

Whiteheads are white in color and are the most common form of acne affect millions of people around the world. They often grow in hard-to-reach places or in places that are hidden or hard to wash.


The exact cause of White-head or Blackhead Acne is unknown, However many doctors and scientists believe that they result from several related factors. White-heads usually manifest themselves among the youth going through puberty. During this time, the hormone androgen both in males and females of puberty age increased. The excess level of androgens encourage the enlargement of the sebaceous glands and the overproduction of the sebaceous oil.

Formation of whiteheads

They are formed by the accumulation and hardening of skin oil and cells on the face. These are formed when the sebaceous glands secrete excessive oil. The excess oils find their way outside the skin through sebaceous follicles and, combined with cells that have flaked down from around these passages, settle on the follicle ends, becoming a plug that blocks the skin pores. The continuous flow of oils and dead cells accumulate and fill the follicles at bulging point showing up on the surface of the skin as tiny, whitish dots called whiteheads.


They are usually seen as tiny, white spots in pearl-like pattern in the vicinities of the cheekbones and nose. This type of blemish tends to be smaller than a blackhead, but it is still fairly noticeable because of its color. They are filled with pus, which is what gives them their white color.


One of the best methods for comedones and most acne control is prevention. Here are the most common prevention methods:

  • Wash your face with warm water three times a day and avoid oil-based makeup.
  • Take a shower every day and scrub all over. This will help clear your skin of excess oil.
  • You can also use benzoyl peroxide on your skin to help prevent your pores from clogging.
  • You also can use rubbing alcohol or special acne soaps to get rid of acne that is already on your skin.
  • If you ever have an infection, see a dermatologist to get an antibiotic. This will stop the spread of acne.
  • Do not use a suction devise and pore cleansing strips
  • If you have to use make up, then make sure it is water-based and not oil-based. All make-up should be carefully removed at bedtime.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to hydrate the skin and get rid of all toxins. A glass of water with a slice of lemon in it will be a natural detox as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  • Avoid any smoking and make sure you exercise regularly.

Main difference between whiteheads and blackheads

  • Whiteheads are closed off from open air. This is why they are called closed comedones.
  • While there is a small opening in most whiteheads, this opening is not large enough for air to enter. This means that the air will not oxidize the materials of the whitehead, and this is what makes it stay white.
  •  Blackheads are much more open to the air. They are referred to as open comedones. This large opening allows the material of the blackhead to oxidize. This oxidation causes the material to turn from white to black. There are no major differences in whiteheads and blackheads besides this one.

› Whiteheads


blackhead, comedones, benzoyl peroxide,  antibiotic,

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