Home Remedies For Back Acne

Top 10 Natural Home Remedies For Back Acne

Back acne can possibly be difficult to remove. If you are susceptible to acne and get it on your face then you might be probably to get it on your back too.

Generally acne is triggered when pores or hair follicles get obstructed with oil or dead skin. Teens are certainly much more susceptible to acne since their hormones are raised. Lack of sleep, stress, poor diet and many other things can easily cause acne. There is no guaranteed treatment for acne but fortunately there are some natural remedies readily available to help relieve the situation.

  • You eliminate back acne the exact same approach you would any other kind of acne except for the fact that it can possibly be more difficult to reach. Body acne can also be harder to remove because the body has larger pores. In addition we dress in clothes that are able to hold in dirt and the oil.
  • If you have companion who could help put on the following natural remedies it will be more easier to use the following natural remedies. If you do not have one, do not worry you can use a scrub brush or towel that can help you reach all of your back.

Top 10 Home Remedies for Back Acne

# 1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is an useful natural remedy in decreasing acne breakouts due to the fact that it absorbs oil. You can even mix it to honey and lemon juice. Apply the mix on your skin and allow it to sit for approximately HALF AN HOUR then rinse with warm water. This can possibly be used 1 to 2 times a week.

# 2. Loose Clothes

Tight fitting clothes can easily trap the oil and dirt on your skin. Therefore try to Wear loose clothing.

# 3. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another common home remedy that can works as an exfoliant for your skin. Add a small water to the baking soda till it gets a paste. You can also mix it with lemon, cinnamon and honey. It unclogs pores and get rids of dead skin. Apply the paste to your face and wash after 5 minutes. Do not use this treatment frequently, quite possibly two times a week at most.

# 4. Exfoliation and Cleansing

Cleansing your skin and exfoliating regularly can help clean clogged pores. You really want to make certain your back is clean everyday, however; do not over use soap or other extreme chemicals on your back. If your back is too dry your body are going to produce more oil.

Use a smooth sponge and mild body wash. In addition you do not need to cleanse excessive since this can dry out your skin. Cleansers that have glycolic acid and salicylic acid help to exfoliate and unblock pores particularly with oily skin.

# 5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar and even white vinegar is among the leading home remedies that works to remove back acne. Before you use this remedy first clean your back and then mix the vinegar with some water. You perhaps need a 50/50 solution in order to make the vinegar not too strong. You can apply it to your back using pad or a spray bottle.

# 6. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is another ingredients that are easily available in your home. It can help not only in reducing back acne but also helps in reducing acne scaring.

# 7. Garlic

Garlic is an anti fungal and anti - bacterial herbal remedy that can help remove back acne and eliminate the scars.

# 8. Diet

The way you eat is also one factors that contributes to acne. Drink lots of water therefore your body will not produce as much oil. In addition stay away from greasy foods and excessive sugar.

# 9. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel helps to reduce acne. It also helps to remove painful or itching blisters.

 # 10. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil and/or olive oil is another relaxing natural home remedies for back acne. It is not only help back acne but also remove acne scars.  

If you are interested you can try one of these natural home remedies for back acne and possibly have a wonderful acne free back.

› Top 10 Home Remedies For Back Acne


acne treatment, natural remedies, Body acneBack acne, lemon for acne,  home remediessalicylic acid

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